Today you have found the career that is the right fit for you – one that is in touch with your 4 P’s – Passion, Personality, Preferences and Principles. Have you ever wondered: “if I wasn’t doing this job, what would have been my other career choice?” or “If I could shoot for the sky, what would I aim for?
I have always wondered what it would be like to be an interpreter or translator. I have never really considered this a dream job but only a possible career path. I attend a multi-ethnic church and at every Sunday service, I would always watch with admiration at how these interpreters/translators would perform this task with so much dexterity, expertise and a great deal of mastery translating or interpreting written, oral, or sign language text into another language for others.
Years ago, when I was analyzing careers that matched my interests, I was surprised to discover that the skills and qualities of an interpreter/translator matched my profile: a practical and empathetic approach to situations, full attention to what people say, understand points being made and ask the right questions in an effort to convey information more effectively.
Confirm that you have the assets you say you have. Select from your strongest assets, then write a sentence that “proves” each one. Be specific: Tell when, with whom, what, where, and how.
You will need to do a certain amount of self assessment of your interests, skills, and values to avoid making the wrong choice and find some career direction. Make a list of what you are good at, what you enjoy doing, and what you find interesting. Organize any particular values or needs that must be met and set realistic goals that will help you define results and outcomes
It helps to compare job requirements to your education and apply for jobs that accept your level of education, or research additional degrees or certifications you may need.
Many jobs have specific education requirements for applicants and new hires, such as obtaining a high school diploma, completing a bachelor’s degree program or having a master’s degree. Some positions also require applicants to have their degrees in a specific field related to the position.
Values and Interests
Making a list of the job values you consider to be the most important to you can help you focus on a career you find personally fulfilling. It can also help you find niche areas that you are passionate about.
How do you describe your ideal job? What kind of work do you want to do? Where and when will you work? With what, and with whom will you work? Rate each of these items that best describes what you prefer in your ideal job. Next analyze other careers you are thinking about that best describe what each position offers.
Compare how positions you are considering match up with your ideal career values and interests.
Teaser Texts

- If you had one choice of career change, what other career path would you have considered different from what you’re doing right now?
- Can you think of dissimilar careers sharing similar or common characteristics?
- Fact or myth: Having a promising career is a gateway to success and fulfilment?
- What are the biggest myths about changing careers?
- What are the simple and most important facts about changing careers?