Happy Mother’s Day: How Do You Remember A Special Person?

Celebrating All Moms

Life may be slowly easing into something closer to what it was pre-pandemic, so let’s take a moment to congratulate all the moms who made this past year and the year before possible. It will be quite disingenuous if we failed to mention fathers, guardians, teachers, caregivers and more who also made it possible, but Sunday May 14th is Mother’s Day, and I would like to hear it for the moms!

They “Just Do It”

Moms don’t take vacations, not once their children are born. They don’t get to take a kid-free break, they have plenty of priorities in life. Like the Nike slogan, they “just do it.” They had to do it all because they are warriors. Warriors whose shield and armor come in the form of a hug, helping with homework, cooking meals, doing the laundry, playing doctors in the form of kissing away booboos before putting band aid on it – often while in Louboutin  heels and wearing lipstick.

Yes, we survived. And will continue to survive!

A round of applause and standing ovation to all moms. Remember to give yourselves plenty of credit and adulation, you deserve it! I doff my hat to all my fellow moms out there. Here is wishing you all the most wonderful Mother’s Day!

Please remember to share your favorite memory of your mother below.

As a child growing up, my mom would often dress up me and my brother in matching outfits even though we are a year apart. When she couldn’t find his and hers outfits, she would dress us up in single gender outfit and still made it look trendy. She would describe it as retro fashion style, when asked. It gave her so much joy and we always felt glamorous in a special way. Our mother could do no wrong!

We were at Hollywood Studios at Disney World about to get on the Twilight Zone – Tower of Terror Ride!! This was my mom’s first time on a roller coaster in a long time. We didn’t know what to expect. As we were boarding the ride, my mom started to get really nervous. At this time, they started showing cool visuals of the twilight zone and then, the ride picked up speed. She started to freak out so bad it was hilarious. With eyes tightly shut and barely able to breathe she began to cry. It was the funniest thing ever. Of all the people on that ride, she was most likely the loudest! Hands down, the best part of the trip!!

Mom always played “Monster” with me and my sister. She knew all our hideouts around the house and somehow would find us no matter how hard we tried to stay hidden. For some strange reasons, we could never detect our mom or her hiding spots. It was always frustrating and at the same time super exciting. We sure had a good time!!


Solari is an author and a content writer for ifocurs, the most-advanced digital media platform for the most diverse, most online, and most socially engaged audience in modern times. When she is not working, she enjoys travel adventures, photography, and reading literary masterpieces. She is an influencer marketing consultant; a keynote speaker, mom, and writer.

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