Take A Quiz: What Do You Do In Conflicts?
Part A
Circle the numbers of the behaviors you usually use in work-related conflict situations
- Make jokes, kid around
- Meet them halfway
- Use my position of authority
- Look for mutually satisfying solutions
- Put my needs first
- Arrange a meeting
- Just give in
- Suggest a compromise
- Get visibly angry
- Use put-downs and labels
- Leave, walk out
- Apologize
- Try to be reasonable and rational
- Change the subject
- Agree on how to talk about it
- Give a little to get a little
- Put their needs first
- Try for a 50/50 solution
- Talk about feelings and needs
- Complain to a third person
- Try to soothe their hurt feelings
- Aim for vulnerabilities
- Think of changing myself
- Take it out on someone else
- Try to find a middle ground
- Yell, blame, accuse
- Say, “I didn’t mean it”
- Ask to hear their point of view
- Pretend nothing is wrong
- Trade or bargain
Part B
Identify your predominant conflict style by matching the numbers you circled to the numbers listed in the categories below.

Part C
Find the column that has the most numbers circled. Record your predominant conflict style here: _________________